TES in brief
We are an expert engineering company based in the Czech Republic and since our foundation in 1992 we specialize in the field of nuclear power industry engineering services and technical support of nuclear power plant operation. We are reliable supplier of Czech NPP operator (CEZ, a.s. ) as well as other Czech and foreign companies involved in power industry. The majority of our activities are focused on the support of safe operation of Czech nuclear power plants Dukovany and Temelin.
Being involved in the international projects we participated in the enhancement of the NPP operation and nuclear safety in the nuclear power plants in Russia and Slovakia. As leading members of the consortia we have acquired valuable experience in the project management, among others including TACIS projects funded by European Commission or R&D projects funded by Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.
We take an advantage of our nuclear-related expertise and experience and provide the nuclear power plant operators with engineering systems optimizing nuclear operation and maintenance as well as solutions supporting various systems and components of ageing management and lifetime extension.
We are economically stable, continually growing company. The first target is to be reliable partner to our customers and meet their needs bringing high quality services, effective solutions and long-term cooperation.
We are successful thanks to our dynamic team made of experienced senior engineers providing leadership and support to young talented specialists. We support further professional growth of our experts and develop cooperation with universities and research institutions.
Our vision is to broaden our activities in nuclear sector to NPP aging management, lifetime extension and decommissioning. Another challenge is to expand our international activities.