
Participation of TES s.r.o. Expert at the PWR 2024 International Conference in Prague

18. 10. 2024

On October 8-9, 2024, our colleague, Ing. Martin Blaha, Head of the Nuclear Safety Department at TES s.r.o., participated in the PWR 2024 International Conference in Prague. Martin delivered a presentation titled "Benchmarking of Computational Codes for Design Extension Condition (DEC) Scenarios of APR1400," in which he presented the results of an international R&D project that emerged from the collaboration between Czech and Korean nuclear safety experts. The presentation highlighted the excellent results of the benchmarking of the TRACE V5 and RELAP5 computational codes and their applicability for deterministic safety assessments of advanced GEN III+ nuclear reactors, including the evaluated APR1400 reactor. This participation confirms the expertise of TES s.r.o. in nuclear safety assessments and its potential for collaboration with suppliers of new nuclear units not only in the Czech Republic but also across Europe and globally.

Signing of Memorandum of Understanding between TES and FNC Technology

30. 9. 2024

On September 20, 2024, during the Korea-Czech Republic Industry & Energy Technology Cooperation Forum 2024, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Czech company TES s.r.o. and the South Korean company FNC Technology, Co., Ltd. The MOU was signed by the President of FNC Technology, Mr. Byung Chul Lee, and the CEO of TES, Mr. Oto Mareček, in the presence of the Ministers of Industry and Trade of both countries. The signing of the MOU was a natural continuation of the long-term cooperation between the two companies in the field of research and development in nuclear energy. In a separate meeting, company representatives agreed to continue their collaboration in both R&D and the design, licensing, and commissioning of new nuclear units in the Czech Republic.  

EMUG 2024 – European Meeting of MELCOR User Group

9. 5. 2024

TES experts participated in the 15th meeting of European Melcor User Group which was held at Sapienza University in Rome, on 15th to 18th April 2024. The participants discussed and shared the newest knowledge from application of MELCOR program, that is used to model and analyse severe nuclear reactor accidents in NPP. It is good news that the next international meeting will be held by Brno University of Technology in the Czech Republic with organizational and financial support of the TES company.

The international project with Korean partners successfully completed.

23. 2. 2024

The three-year Czech and Korean R&D project No. TM02000039 „Examination and improvement of mitigation capabilities and strategies of operating PWRs and an APR series PWR against Design Extension Conditions„ was successfully completed by December 31, 2023. The project ran under the operational programme DELTA 2 financed by TAČR (Czech Technology Agency) and KETEP (Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning). The works on the project tasks brought together a group of specialists represented by the TES s.r.o. company and the Brno University of Technology on the Czech part and FNC Technology Co., Ltd, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. a KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School on the Korean part. The Czech engineering company TES s.r.o. was also involved as a leader of the project. The objectives of the TM02000039 project, related to the safety assessment of the current and new nuclear units of GEN III generation under Design Extension Conditions (DEC), were successfully realised over the period 2021 – 2023, in six phases. The Korean and Czech experts have established strong business and personal relationships and strengthen their specialist competences in the area of nuclear safety assessment  under DEC. We thank all partners for successful cooperation and hope that the project outcomes and know-how concerning the Korean APR nuclear unit design will soon be widely used in future cooperation of the Czech and Korea partners, whether in the Czech Republic or abroad.  

PF 2024

25. 12. 2023

Dear Business Partners, In warm appreciation of your support and cooperation during the past year, we extend our very best wishes for a happy holiday season. We wish you good health and happiness throughout the coming year.

TES has successfully passed IMS recertification audit according to ISO

9. 11. 2023

The October week 2 in TES was marked by Integrated Management System recertification audit. The team of auditors carefully checked the TES IMS and its compliance with ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016, ČSN EN ISO 14001:2016 a ČSN ISO 45001:2018 standards. TES was awarded the IMS certificate eligible until October 2026.

TES has successfully undergone audit of the nuclear safety relevant services for ČEZ, a.s.

9. 11. 2023

On 26 and 27 September, the auditors of ČEZ, a. s., I&C Energo a. s., ÚJV Řež, a. s. and ČEZ ENERGOSERVIS spol. s r. o., performed joint audit of the TES s.r.o. services relevant to peaceful utilization of nuclear power in accordance with Act no. 263/2016 Sb. Coll. Atomic Act and Regulation. TES successfully defended the certificate of nuclear quality related supplier for the Nuclear Energy Division of ČEZ, a. s.

Workshop with partners from the Korea Republic

16. 5. 2023

The 5th international workshop on the common Czech and Korean R&D project No TM02000039 „Examination and improvement of mitigation capabilities and strategies of operating PWRs and an APR series PWR against Design Extension Conditions“ was held  from 8 to 12 May 2023 in the Czech Republic. The workshop was organized by partner organizations TES Ltd. and Brno University of Technology (BUT).  The group of local experts from TES and BUT  was brought together with experts from Korean partner companies represented by FNC Technology Co., Ltd; two representatives of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. and also a representative of KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS). The topics of the workshop mainly related to the activities carried out in the Project in phases No. 4 and 5, i.e. safety analyzes of accident scenarios on APR1400 units of Gen III+ generation within Design Extension Conditions (DEC), including Severe Accidents. The workshop contributed considerably to the strengthening of the mutual cooperation both from the point of sharing field expertise and experience and facilitating personal relationships between Czech and Korean project teams. Taking into account the fact that the South Korean company KHNP with its APR design is one of the participants in the tender for the completion of the fifth unit of the Dukovany NPP in the Czech Republic and also a hot favourite for the construction of new nuclear units in Poland, we greatly value such cooperation and believe that it will contribute to further strengthening research and business relations between the Czech Republic and the Republic of Korea.

Unit 3 of the Mochovce NPP connected to the power grid

10. 2. 2023

One of the two turbine - generators of the Mochovce NPP (Slovakia) was connected to the power grid on January 31, 2023.  The start-up of the second turbine -generator was carried out a few days later on February 4, 2023. This is the first time within  commissioning stage when the Mochovce NPP, Unit3  started to supply electricity, operating at 20 % power output. Nuclear engineers from the TES s.r.o. company have been involved in the commissioning of new  Mochovce NPP units since 2015, when the company was awarded the contract for the scientific supervision over the commissioning of the Mochovce NPP, Unit 3 for the Nuclear Authority of the Slovak Republic. The subject of the contract is to provide support for non-active and active commissioning of components and systems of new nuclear power units with particular focus on the implementation of nuclear safety principles. TES is providing continual monitoring of works including successful completion of all prescribed tests and assessment documentation. Among major activities of the recent period the TES specialists have submitted test documentation assessing  that the stage of physical start-up was completed. Next, the energy start-up tests will follow, including a number of tests performed at different power outputs. The stage of energy start-up is finished by first connection of both turbine-generators to the power grid.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

22. 12. 2022

Dear Business Partners! In warm appreciation of your support and cooperation during the past year, we extend our very best wishes for a happy holiday season. We wish you good health and happiness throughout the coming year.